Leadership Coaching | Coach Usha Nagran

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Are you ready to take the next step towards personal and professional excellence? Contact Usha Nagrani to schedule a free consultation and discover how coaching services can significantly impact your life.

Expat Coaching

  • Grab your Chance in a new country, there is always a first time.
  • This program has been curated with international coaching techniques to help expats achieve their dreams and aspirations.
  • Craft your winning narrative to start and grow your career. 
  • Minimum Commitment of 3 months (12 sessions)
  • Pricing: 1500USD/-

Career Coaching

  • I understand firsthand the motivation, the difficulties, and trials of growth in a company, understanding the new role, the excitement and fear of the first time.
  • Understand your transferable skills and use your strengths to fit in.
  • Unlock your potential and support to ensure action and follow through.
  • Minimum Commitment of 1 months (4 sessions)
  • Pricing: 750USD/-

Women Empowerment Program

  • Identifying and addressing the unique challenges women encounter in managing their finances autonomously.
  • Empowering women to break free from dependence on family members for financial decision-making and management.
  • Cultivating a shift in mindset from being solely spenders to confident investors.
  • Equipping women with practical skills in bank account management, online transactions, and comprehension of financial terminology.
  • Fostering empowerment through self-discovery and comprehensive financial literacy, enabling women to take control of their financial futures.